Resilience – Releasing your inner Tigger


Resilience is defined as the ability to recover quickly and easily from hardship. It is a doing word and as such must be experienced, not learnt from a book, podast or a classroom.  But the irony is, experiencing it, also means experiencing hardship, uncertainty and failure as without this, it is not needed.

So, in effect, resilience is the gift of failure, the reward for a life well lived, the recompense for taking a risk and embracing uncertainty. 

I liken my resilience to Tigger – my ‘bouncebackability’, (yes, I made that word up spell check, damn you!) regardless of the challenges or critical moments my inner Tigger is poised, centred and ready for action!

 I am pretty sure after 6 weeks of lockdown and all that goes with this, we all need our inner Tigger to kick in.  In hindsight when we look back on this time we will smile at the lessons and recognise the positives but what about now…

Now we need Tigger, now we need to step up harness our resilience, stay positive, accept no nonsense and kick ass!  Up for it?

Here are a few pointers from Tigger….

1.     Know for certain this will pass.  The world is on full alert, there are people, very smart people working full out to make the world a safe place and turn the lights back on.  The only constant in life is change, this may be a big one, but get some clarity on what you can and cannot control.  Focus your energy on your sphere of influence and let go of the rest.

2.     Do what you need to do to stay positive.  Get into a routine, exercise daily, meditate daily, eat well, connect when and where you can with positive people, support others, express your emotions, be kind to yourself and some days just get off the ‘I have to stay busy’ wheel and just be!

3.     Believe unconditionally that you have everything you need to survive and prosper. Without doubt life will change, but change is good, change is necessary for growth, change is a given when you live in an evolving society.  Stop fighting it and surrender.

4.     Find the positives in adversity.  Talk to anyone who is resilient, and you will hear and see them constantly reviewing and learning from whatever crisis they have found themselves in.  Learn from them, be inspired by them, BE them and remember after confusion comes clarity.

5.     Ask for help, don’t pretend you are invincible.  We all need community, even a 10-minute chat on Skype can be motivational even if it gets you out of your PJs! Be neighbourly, be good sisters.  When you help others, you gain far more than you give, so give because you can, because you should and because it nurtures humanity.

6.     Invest in you and your personal growth, now is not the time to hibernate, now is the time to release your potential and find out what really makes you tick. As a starter have a look at my Top 7 Personal Development Habits and start the romance with yourself.

Experience resilience, release your inner Tigger, dig in, sit with your truth and get in the game!

Be bold, be brave and believe!

Until next time…


Jane shares her wisdom and Top 7 Personal Development Habits Series


Are we asleep at the wheel?