I would have to say I am still riding the wave of hope mixed with sheer desperation as I am no nearer to resuming my work in schools, as the leader of Girls Out Loud and 80% of my work life is on hold, so what have I got to show for all this so called ‘down time’ other than a depleted bank account and a complete lack of certainty about the future??


Over the past 22 weeks I have co written a book with my husband Tony Davies about how to shine and retain your identity in a modern relationship (out later in the year); Gone digital by learning news skills, creating my first ever vlog series My Top Seven Personal Development Habits, suffered with Zoom fatigue; upgraded my personal website reorganised my home office (several times); Discovered Spotify (how did I not know about this gem?); rediscovered my love and passion for crystals and aromatherapy; grown my own nails and eyelashes! Bought a new car, a make and model that has been on my vision board for over 5 years! Participated in over a dozen online training programmes everything from improving my LinkedIn profile to brain health; joined a Power of Eight intention group; Started work on creating a Diva membership site to be launched next year; attended 5 virtual conferences and been a headline speaker at 3; celebrated Girls Out Loud’s 10th year quietly as our planned birthday bash had to be postponed but watch this space for a great happening in 2021; maintained my own mental and emotional health by doing a guided meditation every day, yes, every day folks, as at today that is 141 days, over 7 hours of intention and conscious awareness, thank you Deepak and Oprah for your endless inspiration; Had my first tooth out in the Dentist’s chair, ouch! continued with my Pilates; started cardio every day on static bike, journaled daily for gratitude, wisdom and fortitude; Read some amazing books including Three Women, Difficult Women, Gutsy Women and to change the genre Why I am no longer Talking to White People About Race and The Untethered Soul, probably THE best and most profound personal development book I have read in decades; Cancelled two holidays,; invested in our garden to a level worthy of public viewing! Launched a summer fund raising campaign to support teen girls when they go back to school in September #GirslOutGardening; Curated my own Glastonbury stage and pulled some all nighters to binge watch some amazing TV and the odd trash – highlights include Killing Eve, Succession, The Indian MatchMaker (crass but fascinating honest!)The West Wing (again) Fleabag, New Amsterdam, Epstien - The Filthy Rich, Normal People, My Brilliant Friend, Love is Blind (apologies for this one), Hillary, This is Us, Unbelievable, The Tiger King (car crash TV but addictive) and I know this Much is True.


So what have I learnt about Me and Life?

I am still a resilient bird, fierce in my passion to help others recognise and act on their potential and I will do this in any way I can – via zoom, phone, face to face, as a speaker, author, blogger, vlogger, on social media, podcast guest, media commentator etc.  You name it if I can hold space for anyone else, I will.

I can do digital yah!  I have avoided this channel of communication for years.  I am a technophobe and given the choice I would and still do prefer face to face connection, but if the choice is digital connection or no connection then it’s a no brainer.  And I guess it has turned out well, as I can see a much bigger picture and many more opportunities revealing themselves to me every day.  But in all honesty, give me real people now!

My husband Tony is my rock, my soulmate, my best friend, my giggle partner, my raving fan and my procrastination buster!  He sees my light before I do and gently nudges me when I am making ridiculous excuses.  Nowhere to hide here folks!

I recognise more than ever that my home is my sanctuary.  I have always known this, I am grateful to live in the Cheshire countryside, with trees for neighbours and a beautiful landscape straight outside my door.  I have worked at home for over 25 years so lock down brought no challenges relating to my environment, it just restricted my freedom!

Vision and intention can create miracles!  Bold statement here peeps, but one I believe in whole heartedly.

I am not very compliant and react very badly to being told what to do – not really a new learning for me but one I have been very aware of during this time.  You want me to do what????  When???? Where? Why?????

After the pain of readjustment I discovered pace! I slowed down my life.  After the first mad month when we were all like rabbits caught in headlights trying to make sense of it all, working out how to work, where to work, what Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Facetime was, how we could turn the dining room into HQ, home-school challenges etc I stopped hyperventilating and took advantage of having more time to breathe, to think, to contemplate and to consider my future.  How long do I want to work? Am I still passionate enough about what I do to ride this storm? Can I or should I retire gracefully? Is it time to repair the damage I have done to my health working at 90 miles an hour, 60+ hours a week for over 30 years as an entrepreneur?   In truth, am still working through a lot of this but be sure I am going nowhere gracefully and my passion is as sticky as a Sticky the stick insect who got stuck on a sticky bun (my thanks to Blackadder for his wisdom).

I feel like a metamorphis is taking place and I shall leave my cocoon a different woman with golden wings and a lightness as I shed my blocks and forced bondage with ease and grace.

What I do know for sure is that whatever the end game is here and I truly believe we do not know this yet, I am grateful for the learnings and the change of pace.  It could be the start of something new and quite beautiful!




Jane shares her wisdom and Top 7 Personal Development Habits Series